Sunday, 31 March 2013

PPL Skills Test Revision

Hello again!

So, yesterday I got a call from my flying instructor to ask if I wanted to go flying because he had a free slot. Of course I obliged!  This was to be my last lesson with my FI before my skills test!

We practiced PFLs (Precautionary Forced Landings, for those not in the know!) and position fixing by using two VORs, TNT (Trent) and SHB (Shawbury).  Weather was marginal in places, but overall quite good with excellent visibility.

G-TALA was our steed for today! I fueled her up to the brim, gave her the once over and then hopped in with my FI. Engine started and then requesting airfield information - Tatenhill only has an A/G radio service.

"Tatenhill Radio, G-TALA request radio check and airfield information please"

Details noted, we taxi to the runway threshold to backtrack to 08 and complete our power checks. One in the overhead so landing light on, transponder on and we taxi between the patches of snow/ice to make a quick turn on the 08 numbers, throttle forward.

As standard the Cessna 152 lifts at 60-65kts (narrowly missing a bird) and we leave the circuit to the west on downwind leg. Climbing ahead I can see a big blue stretch of sky, with towering cumulus to the left and right of us.

We climb up to 3500ft to start the first half of our revision flight - PFLs. My instructor refreshes my memory of the procedure and it all comes flooding back. The last time I flew a  PFL was probably 2011!
We get down to 500ft and it looks like I'll get in the chosen field, carb heat in, throttle forwards and flaps to 10o. 

Again, up to 3500ft and we repeat this another two times until I'm happy that I'll be able to land the aircraft in a safe manner. Next - Position fixing (by the use of VORs).

We cruise along, straight and level two miles to the east of Rugeley. Now to find two VORs on the map. My FI suggests Shawbury and Trent, I find the frequencies and dial them in to the NAV panel of the radio stack. Initially I accidentally identify by flicking up the DME switch - wrong! This even had my FI confused for a while! Ah, NAV identify switch, that'll do the trick. Suddenly morse fills our headsets and I make sure that we are tuned in to the right frequencies.

Next we align the VOR receiver to give a bearing FROM the VOR. 100 degrees. I plot the 100 radial from SHB. Following this I repeat the procedure with TNT. 200 degrees FROM the VOR.
The two lines plotted intersect just south of Rugeley. Bingo!

Happy with this, we return to Tatenhill, join the circuit and land as a snow shower passes overhead.

Not a bad end to the day. Now just to book the skills test!

Keep safe,


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